Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Wedding Inspirations! part one

Wedding blog 1

It is true that its every girls dream to walk down the aisle in their beautiful gown with their prince charming at the end waiting to take her hand... To each to their own. I have my own dreams and hopes for my own wedding day, I want it to be simple and solemn, to have a small gathering of the closest family and friends to help us celebrate, for it to feel warm and magical, and be it a night to remember...

I know that with our current financial status i wont have an elaborate wedding as to be honest I don't want to spend our hard earned money into one night, id rather have it spend into our dream house and business... however I would still like to do my best to make it as close to my dream as possible...

in my quest to find my inspiration and wedding theme.. first is the color.. I cant choose from all the wonderful color and themes available.. when i stumble upon this picture --- i am definitely considering a rainbow motiff...

 let my bridesmaid wear a plain white or cream dress then let them wear a bright shoe and carry a colorful flowers... have our guest make a thumbprint tree!! let the place be filled with white then pop of different colors!!

I dont know however if this will fit in my budget.. so here are my other finds...

My favorite color is green but i can seem to find the best color combination for green as their as so many!!

i do like the miss green effect on this on a pale pink or cream plus the table setting is so simple!!

this is my current favorite shade of green as this is my bag and cellphone casing color!!

so there... here are some of my current inspirations and ideas for my own wedding!! if you have any suggestions please comment and let me know so I can also use them!! thank you!!